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Join the #1 Sales & Recruiting

Program for Social Sellers who want to

replace Full-time income

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The School

of Social Selling

Join the #1 Recruiting Program for Social Sellers who want to replace Full-time income.

Register For Our Next Live Workshop

Recruit more Customers & Team Members in your Social Selling business to create Full-Time Freedom on Part-Time hours. 


The only skill you need to develop to replace your full-time income is recruiting.

Between your day job, juggling family life, keeping up with social and the ever-changing algorithm, growing your social selling business to quit your job can seem like an impossible task. 
I get it because I’ve been there. But in less than 2 years, I shifted my mindset around creating money, learned exactly how to recruit ideal customers and business builders, and went from an exhausted working mom to a full-time social seller earning 6 figures.
Now, I coach women across our industry to do the same. It’s time to learn how to recruit on demand to enroll new customers and team members, so you can create full-time freedom on part-time hours.
Register for my {FREE} Masterclass

Does this sound like you?

  • You aren’t sure how to attract quality business builders who share your vision and passion. 
  • You feel like you are annoying people or coming across as salesy. 
  • You struggle with consistently recruiting new customers. 
  • You’re tired of chasing after people and hounding them to get to a yes.  
  • You feel like you have tapped out your warm market with the same people watching your stories.  
  • You’re exhausted from the constant grind and month-end hustle to hit your goals.
  • You hit a rank only to backslide into rebuilding… again.  
  • You have dreams of leaving your full-time job but can’t seem to figure out the path forward. 


Register for my {FREE} Masterclass


The School of Social Selling


A 12-month Sales & Recruiting Program for women in social selling who want to recruit more
customers and quality team members so they can create Full-time Freedom. 

Through the combination of live coaching, targeted classrooms, interactive clinics and community, you’ll learn: 


-How to attract team members who are all in and willing to put in the work 

-The steps to become a go-to resource to your best people through content that converts 

-How to recruit consistent customers and team members who say yes in conversations and follow-through

-How to grow your business in a way that feels aligned and purposeful, and has people coming to you.

-The exact steps to expand your audience and find your people to break out of your warm market.   

-The neuroscience approach to creating an income producing mindset to help you take action like a full-time social seller, regardless of your day job. 

-What it feels like to create consistent 5-figure months and experience full-time freedom!

Register for my {FREE} Masterclass

The Core 4 Essentials to recruiting more customers and team members to quit your full-time job: 


 01. Mindset

  •  Develop a deep understanding of the income-producing beliefs of a social seller who is earning 4k+ months. 
  •  Learn a proven process rooted in neuroscience to generate Income producing thoughts and shift your mindset and results from side hustle hobby to full-time results.
  • Break Free from the employee mindset keeping you stuck and make purposeful goals that you will follow through on.
  • Eliminate over-hustling and burnout from your business for good. 
  • Navigate obstacles and feeling defeated with our Fail forward framework designed to get you back in action quickly.


02. Attraction Marketing

  • MMaster the art of lead generation in 30 minute power pockets to exponentially grow your cold market. 
  •  Learn how to create content that attracts your ideal customers and team members to you 
  • Build authentic connections with ease and not being weird or salesy.
  • Identify what makes you unique and use it to attract your ideal audience to your brand.  
  • Develop a content plan that is versatile and adaptable to any social media platform


03. Sales & Recruiting Fundamentals

  • Create Sales and Recruiting confidence regardless of your social selling experience.
  • Learn how to communicate with your audience in the DM’s without feeling pushy or desperate.
  • Master the 3-Step System for recruiting without resorting to begging or forced scripts. 
  • Learn how to navigate the most common objections with certainty.
  • Develop an understanding of why someone doesn't buy from you and how to fix it with our recruiting evaluation process.


 04. Full-time Freedom Systems

  • Using the Weekly TimeWell process learn how to create full-time income on part-time hours.
  • Learn techniques for consistently enrolling customers and team members that are foolproof.
  • Leverage your income producing money mindset to build your exit strategy savings and quit your job. 
  • Audit your time to create a Leverage plan and learn what and how to delegate.

All Classrooms include step-by-step teaching, videos, and worksheets that are simple to implement.  


This is what I need!

What’s included in the School of Social Selling: 

Weekly Live Coaching
& Replays

Get coaching on any area of your business where you feel stuck or confused during the weekly group coaching call. You can raise your hand to get personally coached, or learn by watching others receive coaching. However, if you can’t make it live, it's not a problem.The call replays are available on demand via our private podcast, so you can even listen and create mind-blowing transformation on the go.

On-Demand Sales and Recruiting Curriculum

Get access to our part-time hours friendly online portal. Designed to be implemented in pockets of time, the portal is packed with classrooms, worksheets and videos to help you create real results in less time. 



Private Podcast

Access all the teaching and coaching on the go with our exclusive private podcasts.

Upon enrollment you will get access to the School curriculum through your favorite podcast platform.

Each week's coaching call will also be uploaded the day of, so you don't miss a thing! This makes it easy to get the coaching you need anytime and anywhere.

Personalized Coaching and Recruiting Support

Had a dream team member back out or a conversation that flopped?  You will receive personal support on exactly how you can improve.  Content not converting? You will get feedback on how to adjust it to create more connections.  Bottomline-we will give coaching and feedback tailored to you so you can start creating results immediately.


Sales and Recruiting Call Clinic

Take the guesswork out of if you are doing it right.  During our Sales and Recruiting Clinics we will share real examples and show you step by step examples on how to overcome objections and conduct recruiting calls that convert. You will leave knowing what to say and how to say it in a way that results in more customers and team members. 


Community of Social Selling Professionals

Be a part of an engaged, driven group of women as you celebrate one another through our community wide challenges and connect in our private space.  Align yourself with growth-oriented women and never feel alone again.



The School of Social Selling Can Help...

  • No customers & No Audience
  • Some Customers & Team Members
  • Many customers
  • Large Audience
  • Full-time businesses
  • 9-5 day jobs
  • No children or many children
  • No formal education or multiple degrees.
Register for my {FREE} Masterclass

Gretchen C.

"Just enrolled my 4th new customer in 3 days!!!

I can't wait to learn more!"

Kallie K.

"I'm celebrating showing up for myself differently in a way that feels joyful and less stressful"

Alicia L.

"Actively working with 2 new partners this week! They are coachable, committed, and wanting to grow! Yes!!"


The most valuable community for Social Sellers who

want to quit their day jobs. 

The school was created for the woman who wants to create consistent full-time income on part-time hours.


Join the #1 Sales and Recruiting program for Women in Social Selling.


This is the decision to

turn your side hustle into a Full-time Career.   

You don’t have to sacrifice your family or your finances.  The school will help you create sales and recruit so you can generate the income to quit your full-time job, and create a life and business you love.



Register for our next FREE live training

and be the first to get access to enrollment coming soon!


$1,997 a year

You save $464- The best value!

  •  Weekly Live Coaching & Replays
  • On Demand Sales & recruiting Curriculum
  • Private Podcasts
  • Personalized Coaching & Recruiting Support
  • Sales & Recruiting Call Clinic
  • Community Access
  • Enrollment fee waived


$197 a month

Our most flexible option!

  • Weekly Live Coaching & Replays
  • On Demand Sales & recruiting Curriculum
  • Private Podcasts
  • Personalized Coaching & Recruiting Support
  • Sales & Recruiting Call Clinic
  • Community Access
  • One time enrollment fee of $97